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 Construction Materials Industry Prosperity Index (MPI) for August 2024 - Response to the operation of the construction materials industry in August

PublishDate:2024-08-15 Source:


  I. Construction Materials Industry Prosperity Index in August

  In August 2024, the building materials industry prosperity index was 101.4 points, 5.1 points higher than in July, 2.0 points higher than the same month last year, higher than the critical point, back to the boom range, the industry's economic operation of the low level of small reply.


  Figure Construction materials industry monthly boom index

  On the supply side, in August, the construction materials industry price index below the critical point, production index above the critical point. Among them, the building materials industry price index 99.2 points, 0.6 points lower than last month; building materials industry production index 102.2 points, 5.6 points higher than last month. Overall, the price of building materials products fluctuated at a low level, and the production of building materials accelerated over the previous month. Demand side, building materials investment demand index, industrial consumption index, international trade index are higher than the critical point. Among them, the building materials investment demand index 101.4 points, rebounded 6.4 points over the previous month, the construction market demand recovery; building materials products industrial consumption index 101.7 points, rebounded 1.8 points over the previous month, building materials industry chain upstream and downstream of the relevant manufacturing industry demand remains stable; building materials international trade index 100.8 points, rebounded 2.9 points over the previous month, the building materials import and export trade rebounded slightly. Overall, the market demand for building materials in August than last month has returned.

  II, MPI influencing factors analysis and early warning

  The production of building materials accelerated.In August, with the weakening of climatic factors such as high temperature and rainfall, the demand in the construction market picked up, and the production of building materials accelerated compared with that in July. Cement, concrete and cement products, wall materials, lime gypsum, thermal insulation materials, building stone, construction technology glass, building sanitary ceramics, non-metallic industry and other 9 sub-industry production index is located in the boom zone, an increase of 7 industries over the previous month. Enterprises on the market demand showed growth expectations. Product prices fell slightly. in August, in the building materials sub-industry, concrete and cement products, waterproof building materials, thermal insulation materials, construction stone 4 industry product prices rose tentatively, the other industry fell slightly, building materials industry supply exceeds demand has not been significantly improved, still hoping that the subsequent market recovery.

  The industry is running on the exploration of the mood is obvious, but there are still uncertainties. since August, the market supply and demand relationship marginal repair trend continues. With the demand market low reply, the key enterprise shipment rate slightly rebound, enterprise production and operation of the mood of exploration obvious. Precipitation since this year, part of the serious flooding areas related to infrastructure improvement will form local demand. However, coal, oil and gas and other elements of the price is still at a high level of volatility, the construction field market is expected to be weak, building materials industry economic operation recovery is still under pressure.
